Is this the Future?

At what point did we become this?

If this is the future,  I want to suggest suggest that today remains today no need for another tomorrow to come. Because years ago, we were told that the future is bright. 

With the look of things, I think the reason why  this future of our country they told us years ago is not bright is because the NEPA Guys have refused to give us light, so we can't power the bulb. 

So here is my suggestion,  let everyone who still believe in this Nation, carry on their back an Electric Generator to power his or her future,  another thing is get enough Fuel, Oil and the likes because before we realise it, they might say the power house has sunk and they might not have source to power our future. 

Your future is now, it's in your hand.

All I am saying is, before our children will turn to this, I suggest we don't even bring them to this world. And if we must, then we need to prepare a place of green pasture but not with this system. 

Finally on my writing, all I am telling you is 

#DefineYourSystem #StandUpForWhatYouCanBecome #NextChange


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