I Have Been Sick Too!

One of the greatest Physicist to ever walk the surface of the earth is Isaac Newton, and you will be shocked that must of their scientific laws and derivatives are applicable to human daily life. 

One of such law includes the First law of Motion which state that "Energy can neither be created or destroyed it can only be chaged from one to another." When this law is applied to human life, it simply mean that whatever it is you do to another, will always come to you not in the form that you gave it, but in another form which we cannot control.

It all matters how we treat people, it all matters how we smile, how we look at things, how we consider things and react to things in life. You and I needs to recognise that the way we act towards things is the same we will get from things, even from those around us.

In reacting to things or to people around us, I have come to discover at our actions are based on either of these two fact, which includes

1. We are reacting based on what we have experienced before or

2. We are reacting based on our own feeling or though about something or someone.

Either of the above could be positive or enegative.

For instance here's a little story about two nurses who work together in a Hospital and found themselves attending to the same patient though at different time. It happened that the family of this said patient was present at the hospital while the the first Nurse attends to the woman and from the judgement of the family members she was not doing a good job by her reaction to the patients while on the other hand, the second Nurse came in attending to the same patient with care and concern. When she was asked for the reason why she was so careful about attending to the patience, she said "I have been sick too."

From this little story, it is obvious that the way we react to people matter, your action toward others might cause them their smile, their focus, their job and even their life. To every action in life, there is an equal and opposite reaction which we should expect.

Do not act my friend as though the Universe belongs to you or anyone and so you can act or do anything without getting a feedback from them.

If you have been sick before, then you know how to attend to others.

Believe the best and only the best of everyone around you and those you will come across. 

I say before you act on an experience you should know that all human are not the same, you should realise that if all men are the same then all men will be like you. But onot the other hand consider if all men are like you, how will the world be. I believe it is the difference between each and every us that makes the universe interesting to live in. 

Therefore, let's see to it that we believe the best of everyone,  this will allow us to live in peace and harmony.


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